30 Day Beginner Yoga Series
30 Lessons
I have created this 30 day yoga series to help you embark on your own yoga journey. These 30 days are broken up into 5 parts, each with a different focus. Always modify to suit your own body, and have fun with it!
Intro to Sun Salutations
Welcome to Day 3! In this video, we build on days 1 and 2 and continue to work on coordinating movement to breathe. If it helps you to watch first, then rewind and practice, I encourage it. This is probably my most used and favorite basic sun salutation flow. Excellent to warm you up and work on basic yoga strength and flexibility. Enjoy :)
Breathe & Flow - Full Length Class
Day 6 of my 30 Day Beginner Yoga Series puts everything together from day 1 to day 5 into a full length yoga class! We work on attention to breathe, spinal movement, body awareness, and build a simple flow including warrior, lunging, and balancing poses. Much love to all who are following along!
Upper Body Strengthening
We are switching gears and focusing on building strength! Day 7 brings you some of my favorite exercises for building upper body strength, and body awareness! I encourage you to repeat the video (or exercises on your own time) as many times as you can until you feel you got a good workout. Upper body strength is a key element of a strong yoga practice.
Core Strength & Stability
Day 9 is all about building essential core strength and stability for a strong physical yoga practice! Remember to breathe and modify to suit your needs. We have two more days focusing on building strength before we move into the flexibility portion of this 30 day series :)
Wrists & Ankles
Day 17 brings you a couple of my favorite exercises and stretches to improve flexibility in your wrists and ankles. As you may have noticed by now, a physical yoga practice asks a lot of these joints! Improving flexibility in your wrists and ankles will allow you to hold poses longer with more comfort :)